The Alpha and the pack.

Only women, children and dogs are loved unconditionally. Men however are only loved, on condition that they provide something. Chris Rock I'll have to begin by agreeing with Chris Rock. That a man is judged on his ability to provide. It might not be money or wealth. It could be comfort , security or whateverContinue reading "The Alpha and the pack."

Choose Your Tribe

A great piece. Check this out.

Learning and growing together

“Your real life is in your relationships. Find your tribe and love them hard.”

Life is a journey. We are the passengers and as we travel we get co-passengers along the way. Some we keep longer, others we drop at the earliest stop while others we replace in order to take seat. It’s all a cycle that feeds into another and that’s the beauty of life. In this journey of life, we have the liberty and freewill to choose our co-passengers. They are the people that make the journey worthwhile.

Ever been to a place you wish you were with the people you really care about so that they could relish the beauty of it all? If such a moment ever comes, acknowledge that you haven’t made a choice or if you did then probably they didn’t choose you which means you restart the trip again. It’s worthwhile in the…

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Great piece.

Mazuka The Breacher



Every single day we get up in the morning we are tasked with going through the daily norms as human beings. Everyone has their reason for waking up. Waking up is beyond opening your eyes while still in bed that morning and then stay all day in the same bed or maybe up-to 12 noon before you get out for your favourite ice cream and a good movie (or maybe taking morning afters pills before you go back to bed). You have to get out of the bed and get ready for your daily routines be it reporting to your workplace or hustling. For each and every single day you taking in oxygen it is another great chance of life and purposely confirmation that there is still work of greatness you have left to fulfil in this amazing life. On this day you have to choose life. Every morning…

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Dark Matter s1 Finale. – Review.

Jays Bubble

One word – whatthefuckwasthat

Okay- that’s not technically a word but still, what the fuck was that.

I personally really liked the little conflict between one and three, especially when he [ three ] was sitting outside ones room, he was so pin – pointed on proving that one was the one who erased their memories and stole the androids chip, that he didn’t even think to suspect anyone else which gave Six the perfect chance while all else was distracted he went and did all that shit.

Or did he.

Now, here’s what I think, I think that six isn’t actually working with the authorities. Maybe he woke up in time, and because there was one of them beside him and not two, they couldn’t drag him like they did with the rest of the crew. I feel like Four is getting over looked, that man is shady a’f…

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